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How does the AXIS Q86 Series help prevent unauthorised access?

The AXIS Q86 series helps prevent unauthorised access primarily through its advanced intelligent analytics capabilities. These capabilities include:

  1. AXIS Object Analytics: This feature allows for the detection and classification of people and vehicles, which can be tailored to specific needs. This helps identify unauthorised access by distinguishing between known and unknown entities.
  2. AXIS Perimeter Defender: This application provides robust perimeter protection by detecting intrusions in real-time. It is specifically designed to handle complex scenarios where high detection accuracy is crucial, effectively preventing unauthorised access.
  3. AXIS Video Motion Detection: This feature supports the automatic detection of movement in predefined areas of interest, enabling the system to alert security personnel about potential unauthorised access.
  4. AXIS Fence Guard, AXIS Loitering Guard, and AXIS Motion Guard: These analytics are part of the AXIS Guard Suite, which helps detect and alert unauthorised presence in restricted areas.
  5. AXIS Tailgating Detector: This application detects if more than one person enters a controlled area within a set time interval, which is crucial for areas where access control systems are used to prevent unauthorised access.

These intelligent analytics are integrated into the AXIS Q86 cameras, providing a comprehensive solution that enhances security by detecting potential unauthorised access and enabling proactive management of security incidents.

Call us on 1300 556 334 or email [email protected] to learn more.

Customers in New Zealand call 0800 345 677 or email [email protected].

Category: AXIS Cameras
Tag: axis

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