Genetec Citigraf
See your city through a shared lens
Citigraf is a decision support system that allows cities, law enforcement, and emergency responders to work together to plan for, identify, and respond to events and incidents. It unifies public safety operations through situational awareness and the proper dissemination of information. A reduction in threats and better preparedness for what might happen lead to strengthened public safety, and an increase in the quality of life in local communities.
Citigraf correlates and displays incoming data through dynamic maps, supporting operation centers and frontline personnel with deeper situational awareness as events unfold. They can act based on insights, share relevant information, and coordinate efforts more easily. Following an event, managers can review responses, train staff, and improve planning and resource management. With Citigraf, they can manage every type of situation – from the unexpected to the everyday.
The reduction of on-scene arrival times in one of the most at-risk Chicago districts since Citigraf has been rolled out.
The decrease in shootings seen in one year in Chicago districts that have deployed Citigraf in their decision support centers.
Gather data from different sources
To this day, operators struggle to make sense of an array of incoming data. Coordinating a response is often a disjointed and time-consuming process that makes it difficult to provide valuable situational awareness to other agencies and first responders. Citigraf changes all that. It allows you to collect and quickly analyze data from multiple sensors and systems, and use it to build a better understanding and coordinate operations.
The Citigraf correlation engine assesses both temporal and geospatial data to prepare responders for what they can expect before arriving onsite. It allows individuals and agencies to see the full landscape of what’s happening across the city
Genetec Citigraf is an investment in public safety
The city’s annual parade
Summer is a busy time for the city. The parade is one of the biggest events in the calendar, as the police, fire, and emergency operations prepare for an influx of visitors to add to the many thousands who already call the city home.
The heart of operations is the command center. The Citigraf application is used to manage the event and coordinate on-site personnel such as public workers, emergency operations staff, police officers and firefighters.
During the event planning phase, data relevant to the event is used to identify trends, and it is subsequently used to identify opportunities for future improvement.
As the event begins, all agencies coordinate with the command center for live operations. Information comes into Citigraf from event staff, patrol cars, officers on the street, automatic license plate 6 recognition (ALPR) systems, and cameras around the parade route. Video, event data, CAD, and emergency calls are all instantly available, analyzed, and correlated by Citigraf to optimize operations, response times, and mitigation of incidents. Critical situations around the event – from crimes to medical emergencies – are managed more efficiently.
The cross-departmental team can see a comprehensive map of the city delivered by Citigraf. They share the same view with the Chief of Police and the different agencies, and they have access to all cameras around the parade route, so they know exactly what’s going on. Every point of data is geo-localized, so they know where everything is happening. They can see realtime information that previously wouldn’t have made it into the command center until after the event. So, when an incident happens, they can quickly coordinate resources before, during, and after – and effectively respond.
After the event, decision makers can see what has transpired to help them plan for a safer, smoother event next year.
The threat of flooding
Floods can happen fast and they can be devastating. It’s essential to be prepared for every eventuality and to have the capacity to act quickly.
A flood alert has been released by the weather service. The Chief of Police remembers the last time there was a flood in the city. A tropical storm had swept through and flooded the northern suburbs of the town. Back then, they recorded everything by writing things down.
They didn’t have the necessary data to analyze their response so they could improve operations in the future. This time, they are better prepared.
Using Citigraf, operators are notified about the developing situation, while the command center can view weather data on the map of the city, helping them easily identify the areas most at risk.
As the flood approaches, a clear picture of the situation begins to emerge in Citigraf. The team keeps a close eye on the weather and hydrology forecasts while monitoring the water level of every connected river, stream, and tributary. They can see how the tracks are forming, and which roads might need to be closed.
Through unified access to surveillance cameras and social media, the level of risk can be confirmed. Rich, visual layers of data on the map show major buildings or public areas that are without power or in need of evacuation. This essential information provides emergency responders with insights about the citizens who are most at risk. Through Citigraf, information can be dispatched quickly and efficiently
to first responders attending to the people and areas in need. Emergency vehicles can see which roads to take, and which roads have been closed.
Once the water has subsided and the clean-up operation is underway, the incident managers can begin looking at how things unfolded to learn from the experience. They can train their teams, and share invaluable information that will help save lives.
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